Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Elsevier dumps DeepDyve


I’m writing to share with you the unfortunate news that the publisher Elsevier (also known by their platform “ScienceDirect”), has chosen not to renew our agreement after 10 years of partnership.  DeepDyve offered approximately 750 Elsevier journals out of our total holdings of over 15,000 titles.  However, their content will no longer be available effective 8pm PST on Wednesday, April 22nd.

I apologize for the short notice - we were as surprised as you regarding this sudden decision, particularly in the midst of a global health crisis.  DeepDyve’s offerings and focus on the researcher in small to medium-sized enterprises has remained unchanged for years. Through our unwavering commitment to making scientific literature more simple and affordable, DeepDyve has grown to nearly 3 million users and over 250 corporate clients who have come to rely on us for supporting their vital research. 

Undoubtedly you have questions about how you can gain access to Elsevier content.  Unfortunately, Elsevier did not provide any interim options for our usersTherefore, we suggest you contact their customer support, or reach out to them directly through Twitter.

DeepDyve works with over 150 leading academic and scholarly publishers around the world. While our publisher retention rate is over 99%, a publisher does leave us every now and then, and regrettably this time it was Elsevier.  Having said that, we are evaluating several new options to rapidly expand our range of publications, and even without Elsevier, DeepDyve still offers the largest online rental database with over 20 million articles spanning more than 15,000 journals.

We know these are difficult times for everyone. We thank you for your support and understanding, and hope you remain safe.

Best regards,

William Park

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Scopus/TCI1 (not SJR) Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences (JMSS)
