Friday, March 13, 2020

Table of Contents for Publishing Your Academic Research Paper Handbook

. 99

Introduction. VIII
Academic Journal Publishing Quick Facts. IX
Legal Notes
 . XII
Chapter 1: Finding the right journal 1
Indexing Databases, Tier Rank, and Impact Factors. 2
The Beall Lists and Jeffrey Beal 4
The Major Publishers. 6
Elsevier (2,500 journals) 7
Taylor & Francis (2,700 journals) 8
John Wiley & Sons (1,700 journals) 9
SpringerNature (>3,000 journals) 10
Sage (1,000 journals) 10
Other Publishers. 11
Inderscience (716 journals) 11
Emerald (309 journals) 12
Pleiades Publishing (200 Journals) 12
De Gruyter (450 journals) 12
SciAlert (119 journals) 12
MDPI (223 journals) 12
OMICS (1,000 journals?) 13
South Korea (5,639 journals) 13
China (11,409 journals) 13
Southeast Asia Journal Comments. 14
Noteworthy Open Access (OA) Journals and Publishers. 15
PLoS One. 15
Scientific Reports. 16
Sage Open. 17
Heliyon. 18
Cogent Social Sciences. 19
Hindawi Publishing Corporation (230 journals) 20
Conferences. 20
 . 23
Chapter 2: Research tools and tips. 25
Google Alerts. 25
Google Scholar Alerts. 25
Google Scholar Citations. 26
Google Scholar Articles. 26
Elsevier’s Mendeley Stats. 27 27 27
Academia Stack Exchange. 27
ResearchGate. 27
Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN) 28
Sci-Hub. 28
DOAJ. 28
The Master Journal List 29
Publons (Web of Science) 29
ADL (Asian Digital Library) 29
Reference Ages. 29
Shorten your URLs. 30
Mind Maps. 30
Code of Ethics
 . 31
Chapter 3: Structuring Your Research Paper 32
Manuscript Preparation. 32
Consistency and Coherence. 33
Active vs. Passive Voice. 34
Titles and Keywords. 35
Keywords. 35
JEL Classification Codes. 36
Abstracts. 36
Structured Abstracts. 37
Structured Abstract Sample 1 (Emerald): 37
Structured Abstract Sample 2 (Emerald): 38
Literature Review. 38
Problem Statement/Study Objectives. 39
Materials and Methods/Methodology/Methods. 40
Results. 42
Discussion. 45
Conclusion. 46
Implications. 47
Limitations. 47
Acknowledgments. 47
Your Study’s Questionnaire
 . 47
Chapter 4: Style Use and Editing. 49
APA (American Psychological Association) 49
DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) (APA 7th edition) 53
Harvard. 54
Inderscience. 54
Elsevier’s Mendeley. 56
Australia (UNSW Sydney) 57
Harvard APA Hybrid Style. 58
Harvard Referencing Resources. 59
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 59
Vancouver System (Numeric Referencing System) 62
The Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) 63
Modern Language Association (MLA) 65
LaTex. 66
Elsa (Elsevier) 66
Formatting (Misc.)
Chapter 5: Similarity checking software. 68
Plagiarism Checking or Similarity Checking?. 68
What is Self-Plagiarism and is it Legal?. 68
So How Do We Deal With This?. 69
So How Do We Overcome These Problems?. 71
Turnitin Reporting Problems. 73
 . 76
Chapter 6: Submitting Your Paper 78
Simultaneous Multiple Submissions. 78
Aims and Scopes. 79
Instructions for Authors. 79
Follow the Guidelines (Or maybe not!) 79
Format Free Submissions. 80
Submission Costs. 80
Journal Publication Acceptance Letters. 81
Submission by Email 81
Submission by Online Systems. 82
Your Bio Format 83
Cover Letters. 83
Expert/Reviewer Recommendations
 . 84
Chapter 7: The Review Process. 85
Peer Review. 85
What are Blind Reviews?. 86
Single-blind review. 87
Double-blind review. 87
Article Review Time. 87
Stated Journal Review Times and Rejection Rates. 89
Bottom Line
 . 90
Chapter 8: Final Editing and Proofing. 91
Common Mistakes. 91
Actual Reviewer Comments. 93
Writing Resources
 . 97
Chapter 9: The Reasons for Rejection. 98
Technical Reasons. 99
Editorial Reasons. 99
What Can Be Done?. 100
Eight Reasons I Rejected Your Article
 . 100
Chapter 10: Supplemental Resources. 103
Abbreviations, Acronyms & Referenced Journals. 103
Handbook Research Links. 106
Final Quotes. 108

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Scopus/TCI1 (not SJR) Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences (JMSS)