Monday, May 10, 2021

Another Turkish academic journal e-mail scam? - Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT)

Today a student forwarded me another suspect e-mail supposedly coming from the Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education. The reason I use the word 'suspect' is because my recent communications with TURCOMAT uses an email different ( from the emails used in the email sent to my student:

Adding to the confusion is the fact that the journal has recently moved from their previous aggregator site under  'dergipark' to their own web domain under However, on both the old dergipark and the new turcomat domains, the contact email is the same (


Another inconsistency between the solicitation email and the old and new web sites is the APC for the journal. As of May 2021 the APC is $300 USD, not the $450 USD indicated in the solicitation email screen capture below. Also, based on personal experience, acceptance and publications for TURCOMAT are far quicker than the times mentioned in the email.   

Bottom line: Stick with the journal directly. Avoid solicitation emails. Also scan the comments for the journal on the SJR portal. In this case, there are other academics who have been "scammed" by individuals purportedly representing TURCOMAT in the comments on the journal's SJR portal.

Finally, I am sad to say that these email scams are becoming more prevalent, with most seeming to target Turkish journals. Why? I have zero idea. However, for another example of these emails, see my previous post from the 1st of February 2021. 

If you would like to add something that is private, I can be reached at:
academicresearchpublishing [@]


Scopus/TCI1 (not SJR) Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences (JMSS)